The 7 things I'm grateful for in 2021
It’s time to say goodbye to a year that might not have been what we hoped for…that might be bringing a sense of déjà vu from last year about this time.
Now I’m truly one of those ‘glass half full’ kind of people…as opposed to my husband who is ‘glass half empty’. I like to think we balance each other out.
At the end of the year, I tend to look back and reflect about what I’m grateful for. Sure also what I’d like to do differently in the next year…but I really try to focus on what went well.
Well you all went through 2021 with me, so I think you know - it wasn’t maybe what we’d all wanted it to be. Needless to say, the gratitude exercise has been a bit of a challenge.
But I rallied, and came up with 7. And here they are in all their glory…
Yeah this might sound a little cheesy…but it’s absolutely 100% true. Being able to meet, connect, laugh with, and hang out…though virtually…with my PhotoFluent community was one of the highlights of my year.
And I thank you deeply for being a part of that with me. ❤️
PhotoFluent - the business.
I left corporate healthcare to start my own business (if you haven’t heard THAT story, head on over here for the whole scoop.)
Why did I do that exactly? Because I wanted to finally do what I loved (photography and teaching photography) and I wanted it to be an online business that I could do from anywhere in the world. Hence giving us the opportunity to be location independent (I think you know where I’m going with that).
Now I would have liked for that business to take off immediately, making all my wildest dreams come true. Well that isn’t how a new business tends to work. So there have been some ups…and downs. I’ve learned SO much (more than my graduate degree if you really want to know), and have come so far. So I’m grateful for the growth, the knowledge, and the opportunity to realize my dreams. Because oh they're coming (2022 I’m talking to you!)
Yep this one might be a little sticky, even controversial. With the vaccine came travel opportunities. And then a new variant. And then more travel opportunities. And then another variant.
So it was a bit of a roller coaster ride in the travel department…And while some people didn’t feel comfortable doing any, I managed to squeeze in a few trips.
I visited my family on the east coast - twice. And? I got to go back to my beloved France…for 2 WHOLE WEEKS!! And oh what a glorious 2 weeks it was. If you want to hear more about that, head over here for the details and photos.
My health
I think this is something that we can easily take for granted. But this year I reminded myself regularly how grateful I was for mine. Not just in the global pandemic rampant virus sense…but just in general.
My annual mammogram came back abnormal - which isn’t that unusual for me. But this time they wanted a biopsy. Which has happened before too…but it’s always still scary. Luckily my results were negative (one case where that word is a good one) and that lends to my gratitude in this category.
Public service announcement: ladies, get your mammograms!!
My family
I’m grateful for my little family which consists of my husband, Neal, and our adorable, lovable, and slightly neurotic dog, Maggie. They make me laugh and I know they are always there for me.
But I’m also grateful for my parents and sisters (I have 2 - one older, Chris…and one younger, Stacy). Now this is getting pretty personal (sure didn’t mean to go down THAT path with this post)...but I haven’t always been super close with my family. And you might relate here - family relationships can be challenging…and not always what you want them to be.
But with age has come some clarity, and the ability to let go. And along with that has come closer relationships with my family which feels oh so good.
OK, I know this one might sound a little odd. But this platform has allowed me to make new friends…connect with people…and learn so many amazing new things. It has given me a way to interact with people all over the world…without ever leaving my house.
Now I know that Zoom has been around for a while. But this past year (or so…I’ve lost count) has made it more normal to meet this way. And expanded the opportunities I think. So I’m grateful for my friends in France, Germany, Australia, Canada, and all over the U.S. with whom I’ve had the delightful chance to brainstorm, chat, share stories, and support each other.
Failures (oof that’s hard to even write)
I am one of those people who always has to be learning something new. Always has to be challenged. Or I get bored, and restless. Well let me tell you, this year did not disappoint.
Being an entrepreneur for the first time is a big freaking learning curve. And on top of that, there are a lot of failures…which is how learning happens. In anything - business, photography, writing, cooking. Everything.
What I learned this year is to appreciate the failures, and see them as learning opportunities. Now I’ll admit that I haven’t exactly “mastered” that skill, and it takes a whole lot of reminding. But I would say this to you - every time you see a photo that you see as a “failure” , take it as an opportunity to figure out what’s wrong…why you don’t like it…how it can be better. Don’t just write it off as “not good” or a “failure” and start thinking things like “I’m not good at this” or “I can’t do this”.
And if you need any help in that department at all, I’m here for you. I have mentoring, blog posts, and even a YouTube channel. So you’re not in this alone. You are a creative, talented person, and you WILL be the photographer that you want to be.
Well that’s it for my look back at 2021.
I’d love to hear from you what YOU learned…what YOU’RE grateful for in 2021. Let me know in the comments!!
And all the best to you in 2022…I think it’s going to be a FABULOUS year!! 🎉🎉🎉