What’s limiting your photo creation (and it’s not your camera)
How many photos have you made so far this month? How about last month? If I ask myself that same question (which I did) my answer is “not enough”. As a matter of fact, I’ve hardly even had my camera out at all in the past couple of months. What the hell??? Let’s talk about that.
I know we all like to travel. I mean that’s kind of why we’re here...travel...photos… But travel isn’t happening for most of us - at least not like we’re used to. But here’s the thing, your camera can still bring you joy. You can still be creative. I know you know this. So why aren’t you and your camera doing some really cool stuff right now?
Here are my thoughts. Oh and do I have thoughts.
Limiting beliefs. Okay that didn’t go where you thought it was going to, did it? Limiting beliefs are those thoughts, and usually not good ones, that hold us back from doing stuff. That stuff can be getting a new job when we don’t like our current one, because we don’t think we’re capable of doing something different. Or not taking that Spanish class because you don’t think you’re smart enough to learn a new language.
Limiting beliefs hold us back from SO much in life, and we often don’t even know they’re there. Why? Because if you’re not doing any of those mindfulness tools that I’ve mentioned before, (like meditation) then you might very well not be aware of your thoughts. They’re just part of your stream of consciousness that you think is reality.
But guess what? It’s not real. They are just thoughts.
All right, now back to your camera. Some limiting beliefs that you might be having now are “I don’t have time”, “what’s the point we can’t go anywhere anyway”, “I’ll never figure out that camera so why bother”, or “my photos just aren’t that good”. Or here’s one of my favorites “what will I even make photos OF?”
If you had a few days, I’d address every single one of the limiting beliefs that hold people, photographers, creatives back. How do I know so much about them? Oh because my limiting belief generator is usually working overtime in here.
Think of how much further ahead we would be in life if we didn’t let these sneaky little critters become so powerful? We might be fluent in 6 languages, and displaying our art in the Louvre. So what do you do about it?
There’s this thing called mindfulness...sound familiar? (that’s sarcasm in case you don’t know me yet. I mention mindfulness a lot around here). Figure out something that works for you, so that you can start to recognize and quiet those ‘oh not so helpful thoughts’ that sabotage your...well everything.
One of the tools that helps me the most and I think is a pretty easy place to start is meditation, and I highly recommend the Insight Timer app to help you ease into that.
Also, I recently discovered Gabby Bernstein and really love some of her resources too. Books, guided meditations, even classes. I’m learning lots from Gabby.
There are SO many books, podcasts, tools...I couldn’t possibly list them all here. And the thing is, you have to find what connects with you. What works for me, might not work for you. Friends have recommended a particular person for podcasts or books and they just didn’t resonate with me. So don’t give up if the first thing doesn’t work, or jive with you. A little (or lot of) trial and error is called for.
And by all means, let me know in the comments what people, resources, tools help you in this area. I’m ALWAYS looking for new ideas!
So I would say the first step is to recognize the limiting thoughts creeping in. And then realize that they are only thoughts...not reality...and send them on their merry way.
Unhelpful thoughts gone. Check. Mind clear and ready for useful thoughts. Check.
Let’s talk about your camera. You enjoy making photos when you travel, right? You’ve made photos that you like before, right? You like the thought of creating some stunning photos the next time you go on a trip, right?
Then here’s what you need to do next. Start creating something with your camera.
It doesn’t have to be “practice” so that you are getting “better”. It can just be fun. I mean creating is fun, right? I sure think so! And I’m pretty sure that if you give it a try...a real try...you’ll think so too.
And if now you’re thinking “oh OK so I’ll just start creating...who am I Annie Leibovitz?” Don’t you fret, I’m going to give you a little direction here. Because I know all too well that walking out of your house with camera in hand doesn’t always mean you’re going to be inspired to make a bunch of photos.
I’ve wandered out of my house before with no plan, theme, or general idea of what the heck I’m doing before and returned home with about 3 photos. Bad photos. So a theme is good.
Here’s a fun little activity that Neal (hubby) and I used to do. We had pieces of paper with different topics written on them - things like concrete, the color red, or round. And then each of us would choose a piece of paper out of a bowl, and that was our ‘theme’ for the day.
And out with our cameras we would go. Now the word could be interpreted however we wanted to. We were the artists for the day. And that was part of the fun! Instead of just thinking “gee I’d like to take some pictures today...but of what?” Now your brain is searching your environment for concrete, red, or even feet. Let your imagination run wild!
And of course I have a tool to help you out here. Download the free Crazy Good Photos Starter Kit and it has some prompts for you to use during your photo outing, creativity play day, or whatever the heck you want to call it.
Why do I think it’s so important to create? Because I think it feeds our soul. That might sound a little out there to some of you...I don’t even exactly know what it means either. But I do know that when I create something it feels good. And you know what else feels good? Sharing what you create with others. And you know where to do that? The PhotoFluent Travelers Facebook group...of course!
So grab the free guide, cut the prompts apart and put them in a bowl. Now pick one out, get your camera, and head out for a playdate. Just you and your camera. Or invite a creative friend to come along...that might be fun too.
And here’s the other thing. No negative, critical, limiting thoughts allowed. You’re not a professional photographer on assignment. You’re relaxed, mindful person, just having fun and creating something interesting. Got it?
Well now I’m super excited to see what you create!! Don’t deny me. Grab the starter kit, let your inner creative genius run wild, and then share your results.