My secret for enjoying security lines AND making better travel photos
I’m going to share something with you that really changed my life. And then it changed how I created photos.
8 Things I Wish I Knew 10 Years Ago
This is your chance to learn from my mistakes that I’ve made over the past 10 years with my travel photos.
You & Your Camera: Telling the Story of Your Next Great Adventure
Sure we can snap some photos when we travel…OR we can intentionally create photos that tell a story. And I’m going to show you how!
The Main Reason Why My Photos Sucked
This is really hard for me to admit…but my travel photos sucked for a while. A long while as a matter of fact. I finally figured out why and I want to share that with you…
Self-reflection AND photo skill development? Yes please!
Self-reflection AND photo skill development? Yes please! Photo Projects. What the heck does that even mean? Why do I care? Well let me tell you…
5 Ways to Practice Your Travel Photo Skills (no airfare needed)
Getting ready for a big trip is NOT the time to get your camera out! It’s time for your camera to come out and play now, so you can get comfortable creating photos before it’s time to go to Italy, France, Morocco…
Dipping Your Toe Into Photo Editing with 5 Basic Edits
5 basic edits can improve every photo, and we are going to walk through them here…
My Top 10 Photos: What Could Have Been Better (Part 2)
Continuing with our photo critique of my top 10 favorite photos…
My Top 10 Photos: What Could Have Been Better (Part 1)
A photo critique is a fantastic way to learn and to improve your photography skills. Whether it’s a critique of your work, or someone else’s it’s really a valuable tool. Come along as I do a critique of some of my favorite images - why they made the cut, what I like, don’t like…
Here's Looking at You, 2019!
Looking back at 2019, here is my greatest challenge and my greatest success…
My 5 Favorite Memories of 2019
Join me in this little retrospective into my 5 favorite memories (WITH PHOTOS) from 2019…
Shutter Speed Made Easy
Shutter speed is a pretty simple concept, but it can get confusing when we talk about how it affects aperture and ISO… I’m going to break it down and make it easy, so stick with me.
Art or Memories...Why Do We Make Photos?
Do we make photos for the sake of art? Or to capture memories? Or both…
Aperture 101
Let’s talk about aperture. What it means, and how it affects our photos. And some tips on finally helping all of this make sense.
Goodbye Inner Critic, Hello Creative Genius
Does self-criticism help make us stronger, push us harder?