Camera Settings Tips for 6 Different Travel Scenarios
Want to get out of automatic mode for your travel photos? Not sure where to start? I walk you through 6 different travel scenarios and give you camera settings tips to get you started.
3 Editing Tips to Give Those Cloudy Day Photos a Little Makeover
Sometimes those cloudy day photos are just a little…blah. I have 3 quick tips to give those photos a little makeover and help them go from blah to wow.
4 Ways to Make Beautiful Photos on Cloudy Days
When we travel we have control over some things…but the sun isn’t one of them. Here are 4 tips to make beautiful photos even when the day is overcast and dreary.
Learn how to play again: 7 ideas for you and your camera
I’m here to tell you that it’s time to learn how to play with your camera. For your sanity and for your camera skills. No, I'm not being dramatic. It’s science.
The Exposure Triangle Made Easy
Understanding the exposure triangle is pretty important to figuring out how to make amazing travel photos. And it’s not as scary as it seems. It’s not the Bermuda Triangle, after all…
Your mindset is just as important as your camera settings. Yes really.
A big part of figuring out how to make lovely travel photos is figuring out the technology, like our camera settings. But another big part (maybe even bigger) is figuring out that we DO have the talent and that we ARE capable of being damn fine photographers!
ISO: The Secret Superpower in Your Camera
Your camera has a superpower. Yep that’s right. And if you don’t already know what it is, it will change your life. And no, I’m not being overly dramatic.
Documenting our lives. Even now.
Photos can be a way of documenting our lives. To pass memories along to children, or to help us remember the details later. And even during this time, there are memories we’ll want to keep…
8 Things I Wish I Knew 10 Years Ago
This is your chance to learn from my mistakes that I’ve made over the past 10 years with my travel photos.
Self-reflection AND photo skill development? Yes please!
Self-reflection AND photo skill development? Yes please! Photo Projects. What the heck does that even mean? Why do I care? Well let me tell you…
My Top 10 Photos: What Could Have Been Better (Part 2)
Continuing with our photo critique of my top 10 favorite photos…
My Top 10 Photos: What Could Have Been Better (Part 1)
A photo critique is a fantastic way to learn and to improve your photography skills. Whether it’s a critique of your work, or someone else’s it’s really a valuable tool. Come along as I do a critique of some of my favorite images - why they made the cut, what I like, don’t like…
My 5 Favorite Memories of 2019
Join me in this little retrospective into my 5 favorite memories (WITH PHOTOS) from 2019…
Shutter Speed Made Easy
Shutter speed is a pretty simple concept, but it can get confusing when we talk about how it affects aperture and ISO… I’m going to break it down and make it easy, so stick with me.
Art or Memories...Why Do We Make Photos?
Do we make photos for the sake of art? Or to capture memories? Or both…