So you’re interested in editing your images…congratulations!
This will be a game changer for your travel photos.
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Follow these steps to get started:
1) Click on the link here or photo below and you’ll go to the Adobe Creative Cloud - which is the software group where Lightroom lives.
2) Click the “Free trial” button to get started.
3) Then select the “Photography” plan and pick a subscription (annual, paid monthly or annual, prepaid). Click ‘Continue’.
3) Once you’re signed up, you’ll have some different options. You want the “Photoshop Lightroom Classic” option as illustrated below.
—> Don’t worry that it’s called “Photoshop Lightroom Classic”. This is NOT Photoshop. You do have access to that program also in this suite of apps, but I don’t recommend you try it just yet. Lightroom is the perfect place to get started and is MUCH simpler to learn. Once you outgrow Lightroom, then think about Photoshop. Deal?
4) Once you’ve downloaded Lightroom Classic (Adobe will walk you through how to do that once you’ve signed up) then you’re ready to get started! If you jump right in…have fun and don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. I know there’s a LOT to learn, and that’s why I’ve developed training to help.