Giving Back Through Personal Projects
It’s important to me that I feel like I’m doing something to make the world a better place. And telling stories through my photos is how I do that.
I do a limited number of personal projects each year for social causes that inspire me. If you’re interested in working together, send me an email at and we can see if we’re a good fit and if I have availability.
Here are some examples of the projects I’ve done…
Sacramento SPCA
When I first experienced the Sacramento SPCA, l was amazed at the compassion, dedication, and love shown by the volunteers. They weren’t just there to pet kittens. They did it all, and without complaint…day after day after day. I was so moved by the volunteers that I wanted to tell their story.
This is a project I did on the volunteer program there. A love story that includes hard work, dedication, and adorable fuzzy faces.
Together Women Rise is a “powerful community of women and allies dedicated to achieving global gender equality. We have hundreds of local chapters across the U.S. where members learn about and advocate for gender equality issues, give grants to organizations that empower women and girls in low-income countries, and build community to forge meaningful connections that increase our strength and collective impact.”
I am a member of one of those local chapters and this is truly an amazing and inspiring organization. I’ve met incredibly kind, generous, and dedicated women who truly change our world for the better.
This series of photos is from the 2020 International Women’s Day celebration. It brought me to tears and inspired me to be a better person. Now THAT is a great event!
(*note Together Women Rise used to be called Dining For Women, so you may see some of that branding in the video)
Sacramento College Track
At College Track, their mission is to “equip students confronting systemic barriers to earn a bachelor’s degree in pursuit of a life of opportunity, choice, and power.” When they asked me to help document their College Signing Day, I couldn’t have been more honored to be involved with this incredible organization. I admire the work they do and all the lives they impact every single day.
I captured the story of College Signing Day. This is when all the College Track seniors revealed to which colleges they were accepted, and which they had chosen to attend. Families and the College Track staff were there to celebrate with them and it was amazing! I had chills and tears, and I tried to capture the emotional and exciting day here…
FITRAH is a “non-profit social enterprise that empowers vulnerable youth in our community.” They create real opportunities for these vulnerable youth, who often lack the guidance and support that they need to be successful. At FITRAH, they have developed a training/working model along with mentoring to ensure these young people have the right skills, work experience, and support in order to build a stable future for themselves.
My work with FITRAH was to document, through photos, what they do to reach their goals. To tell their story of the work, dedication, and energy they invest in order to empower the vulnerable youth in their community. I am SO impressed by the systems they have in place, the commitment to success of the population they are serving, and just how hard not just the adults but the youth are working to make all of this happen!